Example Sankey Diagram Data-Visualisations

To better understand use-cases and possibilities of visualisations with Sankey Diagrams, this page has some different examples of data that can be visualized with Sankey Diagrams / Sankey Charts.

See How To Create a Sankey Diagram to unlock the potential and storytell with your data by creating easy to understand Sankey-Visualisations, making your complex data more accessible and engaging.

Example Personal-Finance Income Budget Sankey Diagram

This sankey-visualization depicts an annual personal-finance budget. You can als use it as a sankey chart template and adjust it with your values.
It uses features like auto-calculating flow amounts ([?] operator) and custom flow-colors.

example sankey diagram depicting a yearly personal finance budget visualization View Diagram Source: Edit This Diagram

Example USA Federal Budget 2023 Sankey Diagram

This sankey plot shows the United States of America's federal budget in fiscal year 2023.
The example has customizations like custom flow colors, custom font size, and activated node-label background. The raw data is taken from Wikipedia/Congressional Budget Office: "Government spending in the United States".

sankey plot example, depicting the federal budget of the united states of america in the fiscal year of 2023 View Diagram Source: Edit This Diagram